When you have home and auto insurance, you may also want to consider an umbrella policy. These are important policies that can protect you against serious accidents. Umbrella insurance adds extra coverage to both of those policies, enhancing your protection. Accidents can be costly, even when they aren’t serious, leading to substantial bills afterward. Protect yourself with an umbrella policy that adds a significant amount of coverage. Call us at Advantage Service Insurance in Erie, CO to get started.
Understanding How Umbrella Insurance Works
An umbrella policy provides coverage after your home or auto insurance has paid up to its limit for an accident. Whether the accident occurs in your home or out on the road, your home or auto policy pays the expenses until it reaches its maximum payout. For home and auto insurance, this limit often isn’t very high. That means that these bills can easily exceed the policy’s worth. If this happens, your umbrella policy steps in and pays the overage, protecting you from paying it out of pocket.
The Advantages of Umbrella Insurance
One of the biggest advantages of having this extra liability coverage is that it pays what would be difficult for you to pay without this coverage. Another advantage is that it costs less than adding more liability coverage directly onto both your home and auto insurance. It also comes with a very high maximum payout, so you don’t have to worry about it reaching its limit.
Getting Umbrella Insurance in Colorado
If you’re interested in having more liability coverage for expensive accidents, we can help. Call Advantage Service Insurance in Erie, CO to get started with an umbrella policy.